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Diary of the internship experience at Nanfang Metropolis Daily (3)

19/07/2021 Learn how to use Adobe Photoshop to design poster:

This was my first time design a poster independently after being taught many times by my seniors. We had to publish posters in 1:1 and 16:9 format when our company video was sent out, and generally the company required a light coloured background to be chosen. Then, after the interviewees were keyed, the process of pasting in the captions and stickers took place. The last step was to put our company logo in the top right corner of the poster.

I wasn’t really familiar with Adobe Photoshop before and I felt very embarrassed that I didn’t know how to use this software. I can do some basic operation but can't design a poster. I had to ask my seniors how to use it and after work I learn more about Adobe Photoshop at home through some online courses about the basic functions of Adobe Photoshop.

The feeling is that when we leave the school and come to the workplace, I realise that I still have a lot of skills that I can’t keep up with. For example, I should learn to use some professional software and practice more, and we should not be afraid to ask colleagues if we do not know how to use it. At school all I had to do was go to school and listen to my lessons and do my homework. But work seemed like every job was an exam to test my abilities. I still need to practice more, so one day I will be professional enough to get a job.

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