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Diary of the internship experience at Nanfang Metropolis Daily (1)

02/07/2021 Write interview outline and learn how to interview passers-by:

This was the first time I went out on the streets to interview passers-by. On this morning, I had devised an outline for the interview in my office. The topic was a quiz around the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, and passers-by interacted with each other by drawing questions and answering them. And during the morning, my colleagues and I had been searching for some relevant knowledge and turning it into questions and collating it into a document. At lunchtime, this interview outline was given to the leader for review and approval, and then we went out for interviews in the afternoon.

Under the leadership of the leader, we went to the surroundings of busiest shopping mall in Guangzhou. The leader showed us how to set up the camera and microphone, and personally demonstrated how journalists should hold up the microphone. We were told that we needed to be careful that our company logo was not obscured when we held the microphone up, and that we needed to make sure that the sound was directed at the person speaking. Then, under the supervision of the leader, I interviewed the first passer-by. After gathering my courage, I chose to ask two girls who were walking towards me on the road if they would be willing to be interviewed and told them the purpose of our event and who we were. Luckily, they agreed to be interviewed. I was a little nervous at first, asking our questions about the interview outline and following the process with an interactive game session. After receiving the approval of the leaders, I felt more confident to do the job. Although it was really sunny outside in the summer, the freshness of the job also gave me more motivation to do the interviews. Slowly, with the other seniors leading the way, we spent the afternoon interviewing and recorded enough material very quickly to get back to the office for editing.

And when I got back to the office, I sat and watched my seniors edit the video. He taught me to always mark the names of the videos clearly, and when editing, usually put the same topics together and mark the different characters in different colours. And the tracks should be clearly divided, one track for sound effects, one for background music, one for subtitles, one for the main video, one for inserted stickers or decals, etc.

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